Health professionals
In Australia, the health professionals involved in the care of children with cataracts and their families are ophthalmologists, orthoptists and optometrists and their support staff. (See Glossary).
Cataract Kids Australia provides a focal point for health professionals and support staff involved in this area, as well as supporting family engagement in the cataract journey. For a listing of registered health professionals providing low vision services to children see our Resources page.
Cataract Kids Australia provides a focal point for health professionals and support staff involved in this area, as well as supporting family engagement in the cataract journey. For a listing of registered health professionals providing low vision services to children see our Resources page.

We have a Memorandum of Understanding with Orthoptics Australia to work together to deliver a uniform message to the public, the professions, government, and other stakeholders on matters concerning children with cataracts.
Events relevant to clinicians, researchers and families are listed here. Please let us know about forthcoming events we can list.
How you can help